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Load the data

data dir

data_dir <- file.path(Sys.getenv(“DATA_DIR”), “ukbb_81499_20241114”)

read the data

withdraw <- fread(file.path(data_dir, “withdraw81499_55_20230915.txt”)) demog <- fread(file.path(data_dir, “data_participant.tsv”)) hesin <- fread(file.path(data_dir, “data_hesin.tsv”)) diag <- fread(file.path(data_dir, “data_hesin_diag.tsv”)) oper <- fread(file.path(data_dir, “data_hesin_oper.tsv”)) self_oper <- fread(file.path(data_dir, “data_self_reported_procedures.tsv”))

read the codes

codes <- fread(system.file(“extdata”, “hermes_3_codes”, “hermes_3_codes.tsv”, package = “heRmes”)) self_reported_codes <- list( list(name = “Heart Failure”, code = “1076”, code_type = “ukbb_self_reported_illness”), list(name = “Myocardial infarction”, code = “1075”, code_type = “ukbb_self_reported_illness”), list(name = “Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy”, code = “1588”, code_type = “ukbb_self_reported_illness”), list(name = “Coronary artery bypass grafting”, code = “1095”, code_type = “ukbb_self_reported_procedure”), list(name = “Percutaneous coronary intervention”, code = “1070”, code_type = “ukbb_self_reported_procedure”) ) codes <- rbind(codes, data.table(Concept = paste0(sapply(self_reported_codes, function(x) x$name), " Self Reported"), Code = sapply(self_reported_codes, function(x) x$code), Source = sapply(self_reported_codes, function(x) xcodetype),Description=sapply(selfreportedcodes,function(x)xcode_type), Description = sapply(self_reported_codes, function(x) xname))) codes[, :=(code = Code, code_type = fcase(Source==“ICD10”, “icd10”, Source==“ICD9”, “icd9”, Source==“OPCS4”, “opcs4”, Source==“ukbb_self_reported_illness”, “ukbb_self_reported_illness”, Source==“ukbb_self_reported_procedure”, “ukbb_self_reported_procedure”))] codes <- codes[!]

ethnicity codes

ethnicity_codes <- list( white = 1, british = 1001, white_black_caribbean = 2001, indian = 3001, caribbean = 4001, mixed = 2, irish = 1002, white_black_african = 2002, pakistani = 3002, african = 4002, asian_or_asian_british= 3, any_other_white = 1003, white_asian = 2003, bangladeshi = 3003, any_other_black = 4003, black_or_black_british= 4, any_other_mixed = 2004, any_other_asian = 3004, chinese = 5, other_ethnic_group = 6)

long data of codes

cohort <- demog[, list(eid = eid, age = as.integer(21022-0.0), sex = factor(31-0.0, levels = 0:1, labels = c(“female”, “male”)), ethnicity = factor(21000-0.0, levels = unlist(ethnicity_codes), labels = names(ethnicity_codes)), ethnicity_group = factor(sub(“([0-9])00[0-9]”, “\1”, 21000-0.0), levels = unlist(ethnicity_codes), labels = names(ethnicity_codes)), genetic_sex = factor(22001-0.0, levels = 0:1, labels = c(“female”, “male”)), genetic_ethnicity = factor(22006-0.0, levels = 1, labels = c(“caucasian”)))] cohort[demog, paste0(“pc”, 1:12) := mget(paste0(“i.22009-0.”, 1:12)), on = “eid”]


stopifnot(“Failed to parse some date of births” = all(!$dob))) stopifnot("some ages / dob indicate cohort age <37, is this right?" = all(cohort$dob <= as.Date(“1972-01-01”)))

self reported illness codes

self_rep_code_regex <- “20002-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+” self_rep_year_regex <- “20008-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+” self_rep_code_cols <- grep(self_rep_code_regex, names(demog), value = TRUE) self_rep_year_cols <- grep(self_rep_year_regex, names(demog), value = TRUE) demog[, (self_rep_code_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = self_rep_code_cols] demog[, (self_rep_year_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = self_rep_year_cols] self_rep_illness <- data.table::melt(demog, id.vars = “eid”, measure = patterns(self_rep_code_regex, self_rep_year_regex), = “element”, = c(“code”, “year”), na.rm = TRUE) self_rep_illness <- self_rep_illness[year != -1 & year != -3] # unknown / prefer not to answer self_rep_illness[, :=(date = lubridate::ymd(paste0(as.character(floor(year)), “-01-01”)) + lubridate::days(as.integer(365.25 * (year - floor(year)))), year = NULL, element = NULL, code = as.character(code), code_type = “ukbb_self_reported_illness”)]

self reported procedure codes

self_rep_proc_code_regex <- “20004-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+” self_rep_proc_year_regex <- “20010-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+” self_rep_proc_code_cols <- grep(self_rep_proc_code_regex, names(self_oper), value = TRUE) self_rep_proc_year_cols <- grep(self_rep_proc_year_regex, names(self_oper), value = TRUE) self_oper[, (self_rep_proc_code_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = self_rep_proc_code_cols] self_oper[, (self_rep_proc_year_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = self_rep_proc_year_cols] self_rep_oper <- data.table::melt(self_oper, id.vars = “eid”, measure = patterns(self_rep_proc_code_regex, self_rep_proc_year_regex), = “element”, = c(“code”, “year”), na.rm = TRUE) self_rep_oper <- self_rep_oper[year != -1 & year != -3] # unknown / prefer not to answer self_rep_oper[, :=(date = lubridate::ymd(paste0(as.character(floor(year)), “-01-01”)) + lubridate::days(as.integer(365.25 * (year - floor(year)))), year = NULL, element = NULL, code = as.character(code), code_type = “ukbb_self_reported_procedure”)]

join self reported diseases and procedures

self_rep_illness <- rbind(self_rep_illness, self_rep_oper)

check self report illness table

stopifnot(“unable to parse dates for self-reported illness codes” = all(!$date))) stopifnot("are you sure something happened before 1900?" = all(self_rep_illness$date > as.Date(“1900-01-01”)))

get the inpatient diagnosis codes

hesin[ | epistart == ““, epistart := admidate] diag[hesin, date := as.Date(i.epistart), on = c(“eid(participant - eid)”, “ins_index”)] diag[, eid := eid(participant - eid)] diag[diag_icd9 == ““, diag_icd9 := NA_character_] diag[diag_icd10 == ““, diag_icd10 := NA_character_] diag <- data.table::melt(diag, id.vars = c(“eid”, “date”), measure.vars = c(“diag_icd9”, “diag_icd10”), = “code_type”, = “code”, na.rm = TRUE) diag[, code_type := data.table::fcase(code_type == “diag_icd9”, “icd9”, code_type == “diag_icd10”, “icd10”)]

get the inpatient procedure codes

oper[hesin, date := as.Date(i.epistart), on = c(“eid(participant - eid)”, “ins_index”)] oper[, eid := eid(participant - eid)] oper[oper3 == ““, oper3 := NA_character_] oper[oper4 == ““, oper4 := NA_character_] oper <- data.table::melt(oper, id.vars = c(“eid”, “date”), measure.vars = c(“oper3”, “oper4”), = “code_type”, = “code”, na.rm = TRUE) oper[, code_type := data.table::fcase(code_type == “oper3”, “opcs3”, code_type == “oper4”, “opcs4”)]

bind together the diagnostic codes

combined <- rbind(self_rep_illness, diag, oper)

read in the codes and annotate

combined <- codes[combined, on = c(“code” = “code”, “code_type” = “code_type”), allow.cartesian = TRUE] combined <- combined[!]

keep only unique, first occurance (in any coding system)

combined <- combined[combined[, .I[which.min(date)], by = c(“eid”, “Concept”)]$V1]

add to the cohort

concepts <- unique(codes$Concept) for (g in concepts) {

col_name <- tolower(gsub(” “,”_“, gsub(”[()]“,”“,g))) cohort[combined[Concept == g], paste0(col_name, c(““,”_first_date”)) := list(TRUE, as.Date(, on = “eid”] cohort[, (col_name) := FALSE]


add the withdrawal flags

cohort[withdraw, withdrawal := TRUE, on = c(“eid” = “V1”)] cohort[, withdrawal := FALSE]

run phenotyping

any ischaemic ICD codes

ischaemic_cols <- c(“myocardial_infarction”, “coronary_artery_bypass_grafting”, “percutaneous_coronary_intervention”, “thrombolysis_coronary”, “ischaemic_cardiomyopathy”) cohort[, ischaemic := rowSums(.SD) > 0, .SDcols = ischaemic_cols] cohort[, ischaemic_first_date :=, c(.SD, na.rm = TRUE)), .SDcols = paste0(ischaemic_cols, “_first_date”)]

combined NICM ICD codes

nicm_cols <- c(“dilated_cardiomyopathy”, “dilated_cardiomyopathy_associated_with”, “left_ventricular_systolic_dysfunction”) cohort[, nicm_comb := rowSums(.SD) > 0, .SDcols = nicm_cols] cohort[, nicm_comb_first_date :=, c(.SD, na.rm = TRUE)), .SDcols = paste0(nicm_cols, “_first_date”)]

any ischaemic self reported codes

self_isch_cols <- c(“myocardial_infarction_self_reported”, “coronary_artery_bypass_grafting_self_reported”, “percutaneous_coronary_intervention_self_reported”) cohort[, self_isch := rowSums(.SD) > 0, .SDcols = self_isch_cols] cohort[, self_isch_first_date :=, c(.SD, na.rm = TRUE)), .SDcols = paste0(self_isch_cols, “_first_date”)]

any self reported HF codes

self_hf_col = c(“heart_failure_self_reported”) cohort[, self_hf := rowSums(.SD) > 0, .SDcols = self_hf_col] cohort[, self_hf_first_date :=, c(.SD, na.rm = TRUE)), .SDcols = paste0(self_hf_col, “_first_date”)]

any self reported HCM codes

self_hcm_col = c(“hypertrophic_cardiomyopathy_self_reported”) cohort[, self_hcm := rowSums(.SD) > 0, .SDcols = self_hcm_col] cohort[, self_hcm_first_date :=, c(.SD, na.rm = TRUE)), .SDcols = paste0(self_hcm_col, “_first_date”)]

HF exclusions

cohort[, hf_exclude := withdrawal == TRUE | congenital_heart_disease==TRUE | # all congenital heart disease (heart_failure==FALSE & (self_hf==TRUE | ischaemic==TRUE | self_isch==TRUE)) | # non-HF but with ischaemic ICD history or self reported heart failure or ischaemic history (heart_failure==TRUE & (ischaemic==TRUE & ischaemic_first_date > heart_failure_first_date))] # HF but with first ischaemic event after the HF diagnosis # pheno 1 cohort[, pheno1 := congenital_heart_disease==FALSE & heart_failure==TRUE]

pheno 2

cohort[, pheno2 := hf_exclude==FALSE & heart_failure==TRUE & ischaemic==TRUE]

pheno 3

cohort[, pheno3 := hf_exclude==FALSE & heart_failure==TRUE & ischaemic==FALSE]

HF controls

cohort[, hf_control := hf_exclude==FALSE & pheno1==FALSE & pheno2==FALSE & pheno3==FALSE]

DCM exclusions

cohort[, cm_exclude := withdrawal == TRUE | congenital_heart_disease==TRUE | # all congenital heart disease hypertrophic_cardiomyopathy==TRUE | self_hcm==TRUE | # all HCM restrictive_cardiomyopathy==TRUE] # all RCM

pheno 4

cohort[, pheno4 := cm_exclude==FALSE & !(dilated_cardiomyopathy==TRUE & (ischaemic==TRUE & ischaemic_first_date <= dilated_cardiomyopathy_first_date)) & # DCM but with first ischaemic event prior to the DCM diagnosis dilated_cardiomyopathy==TRUE]

pheno 5

cohort[, pheno5 := cm_exclude==FALSE & !(nicm_comb==TRUE & (ischaemic==TRUE & ischaemic_first_date <= nicm_comb_first_date)) & # NICM but with first ischaemic event prior to the NICM diagnosis nicm_comb==TRUE]

CM controls

cohort[, cm_control := cm_exclude==FALSE & pheno4==FALSE & pheno5==FALSE & ischaemic==FALSE & self_isch==FALSE]

check HF phenotyping

base_cols <- c(“eid”, “age”, “sex”, “ethnicity”, “ethnicity_group”,“genetic_sex”, “genetic_ethnicity”, paste0(“pc”,1:12)) sum_cols <- names(cohort)[!names(cohort) %in% base_cols & !grepl(“date”, names(cohort))] summary <- data.table (name = c(“total”, sum_cols), sex = “all”, N = c(nrow(cohort), cohort[, .(sapply(.SD, sum)), .SDcols = sum_cols]$V1)) summary <- rbind(summary, data.table(name = rep(sum_cols, 2), cohort[, .(N = sapply(.SD, sum)), .SDcols = sum_cols, by = “sex”]), fill=TRUE) summary

write summary

fwrite(dcast(summary, name ~ sex, value.var = “N”), file = file.path(Sys.getenv(“DATA_DIR”), “ukbb_81499_20241114”, “hermes3_phenotype_summary.tsv”), sep = “)

cat(“Total =”, summary[name==“total”,N], “; Sum (exc/crtl/1) =”, sum(summary[name%in%c(“hf_exclude”,paste0(“pheno1”),“hf_control”), N]), “”) cat(“Total =”, summary[name==“total”,N], “; Sum (exc/crtl/2/3) =”, sum(summary[name%in%c(“hf_exclude”,paste0(“pheno”,2:3),“hf_control”), N]), “”) cat(“Total =”, summary[name==“total”,N], “; Sum (exc/crtl/5) =”, sum(summary[name%in%c(“cm_exclude”,paste0(“pheno5”),“cm_control”), N]), “”)

write out

fwrite(cohort[, mget(c(base_cols[base_cols != “eid”], paste0(“pheno”, 1:3), “hf_exclude”, “hf_control”, paste0(“pheno”, 4:5), “cm_exclude”, “cm_control”))], file = file.path(Sys.getenv(“DATA_DIR”), “ukbb_81499_20241114”, “hermes3_phenotypes.tsv.gz”), sep = “)

random test samples

set.seed(123) cohort[hf_exclude==T][, 3), eid] # 5607008-Y 3463412-Y 3399308-Y set.seed(123) cohort[hf_control==T][, 3), eid] # 5617489-Y 1398510-Y 3387157-Y set.seed(123) cohort[pheno1==T][, 3), eid] # 5087228-Y 3558314-Y 5669956-Y set.seed(123) cohort[pheno2==T][, 3), eid] # 4964821-Y 5145334-Y 4110018-Y set.seed(123) cohort[pheno3==T][, 3), eid] # 1535528-Y 1660078-Y 4720288-Y set.seed(123) cohort[pheno4==T][, 3), eid] # 4547830-Y 5543541-Y 4762107-Y set.seed(123) cohort[pheno5==T][, 3), eid] # 2469121-Y 2659022-Y 1340307-Y set.seed(123) cohort[cm_control==T][, 3), eid] # 5335780-Y 1276673-Y 3304835-Y set.seed(123) cohort[cm_exclude==T][, 3), eid] # 2946309-Y 4951293-Y 4815931-Y