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Required R libraries

#> Loading required package: viridisLite

QC script inputs

The QC script input parameters can be seen by calling the script with the --help flag.

Rscript $QC_SCRIPT --help
[1mQC script - active arguments
#> usage: /home/runner/work/heRmes/heRmes/scripts/gwas_qc.R [-h] [-v] [-q]
#>                                                          [-g GWAS] [-r REF]
#>                                                          [-o OUTPUT]
#>                                                          [-chr GWAS_CHR]
#>                                                          [-bp GWAS_BP]
#>                                                          [-ea GWAS_EA]
#>                                                          [-oa GWAS_OA]
#>                                                          [-eaf GWAS_EAF]
#>                                                          [-beta GWAS_BETA]
#>                                                          [-se GWAS_SE]
#>                                                          [-p GWAS_P]
#>                                                          [-n GWAS_N]
#>                                                          [-info GWAS_INFO]
#>                                                          [-r_id REF_ID]
#>                                                          [-r_chr REF_CHR]
#>                                                          [-r_bp REF_BP]
#>                                                          [-r_ea REF_EA]
#>                                                          [-r_oa REF_OA]
#>                                                          [-r_eaf REF_EAF]
#>                                                          [-adj {lambda,ldsc}]
#>                                                          [-noind]
#>                                                          [-fd FREQ_DIFF]
#>                                                          [-it INFO_THRESH]
#>                                                          [-an {AFR,AMR,CSA,EAS,EUR,MID}]
#> options:
#>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#>   -v, --verbose         Print extra output [default]
#>   -q, --quietly         Print little output
#>   -g GWAS, --gwas GWAS  GWAS file path
#>   -r REF, --ref REF     Reference file path
#>   -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
#>                         Output directory path
#>   -chr GWAS_CHR, --gwas_chr GWAS_CHR
#>                         Chromosome column name in the GWAS file
#>   -bp GWAS_BP, --gwas_bp GWAS_BP
#>                         Base position column name in the GWAS file
#>   -ea GWAS_EA, --gwas_ea GWAS_EA
#>                         Effect allele column name in the GWAS file
#>   -oa GWAS_OA, --gwas_oa GWAS_OA
#>                         Other allele column name in the GWAS file
#>   -eaf GWAS_EAF, --gwas_eaf GWAS_EAF
#>                         Effect allele frequency column name in the GWAS file
#>   -beta GWAS_BETA, --gwas_beta GWAS_BETA
#>                         Beta column name in the GWAS file
#>   -se GWAS_SE, --gwas_se GWAS_SE
#>                         Standard error column name in the GWAS file
#>   -p GWAS_P, --gwas_p GWAS_P
#>                         P-value column name in the GWAS file
#>   -n GWAS_N, --gwas_n GWAS_N
#>                         Sample size column name in the GWAS file
#>   -info GWAS_INFO, --gwas_info GWAS_INFO
#>                         Imputation information score column name in the GWAS
#>                         file
#>   -r_id REF_ID, --ref_id REF_ID
#>                         Reference rsid column name in the REF file
#>   -r_chr REF_CHR, --ref_chr REF_CHR
#>                         Reference chromosome column name in the REF file
#>   -r_bp REF_BP, --ref_bp REF_BP
#>                         Reference base position column name in the REF file
#>   -r_ea REF_EA, --ref_ea REF_EA
#>                         Reference effect allele column name in the REF file
#>   -r_oa REF_OA, --ref_oa REF_OA
#>                         Reference other allele column name in the REF file
#>   -r_eaf REF_EAF, --ref_eaf REF_EAF
#>                         Reference effect allele frequency column name in the
#>                         REF file
#>   -adj {lambda,ldsc}, --adjustment {lambda,ldsc}
#>                         Apply genomic control p-value & standard error
#>                         adjustment using either the GC lambda ('lambda') or
#>                         the LD score regression intercept ('ldsc')
#>                         [default=OFF]
#>   -noind, --no_indel_alleles
#>                         Remove indel alleles [default=FALSE]
#>   -fd FREQ_DIFF, --freq_diff FREQ_DIFF
#>                         Retain variants with GWAS:REF allele frequency
#>                         different less than ... [default=0.2]
#>   -it INFO_THRESH, --info_thresh INFO_THRESH
#>                         Retain variants with info score greater than ...
#>                         [default=NULL (off)]
#>   -an {AFR,AMR,CSA,EAS,EUR,MID}, --ancestry {AFR,AMR,CSA,EAS,EUR,MID}
#>                         Ancestry code [default=EUR]

Reviewer QC input controls

The main required inputs required are in the table below, we likely will need to add more.

Arg Type Source Expose to UI
–gwas string uploaded gwas file NA
–ref string static ancestry-specific reference file NA
–out string output directory to write file and .pngs NA
–gwas_[colname] string standard column names from mapping NA
–ref_[colname] string standard column names from reference file NA
–ancestry string GWAS meta-data input Meta-data UI
–no_indel_alleles bool reviewer QC user interface Yes
–freq_diff num reviewer QC user interface Yes
–adjustment string reviewer QC user interface Yes
–info_thresh num reviewer QC user interface Yes

Example QC script call

# Rscript /Users/xx20081/git/heRmes/scripts/gwas_qc.R -h

Rscript /Users/xx20081/git/heRmes/scripts/gwas_qc.R \
  --gwas '/Users/xx20081/Desktop/hermes_cohorts/ulsam/ulsam_pheno5_hrc_eur_mixed.tsv.gz' \
  --gwas_chr 'chr' \
  --gwas_bp 'pos_b37' \
  --gwas_ea 'A_coded' \
  --gwas_oa 'A_noncoded' \
  --gwas_eaf 'AFreq_coded' \
  --gwas_beta 'beta' \
  --gwas_se 'SE' \
  --gwas_p 'pval' \
  --gwas_n 'n_total' \
  --ref '/Users/xx20081/Documents/local_data/genome_reference/hrc37_1kg_ukbb_maf/hrc37_1kg_ukbb_maf.tsv.gz' \
  --ref_id 'ID' \
  --ref_chr '#CHROM' \
  --ref_bp 'POS' \
  --ref_ea 'ALT' \
  --ref_oa 'REF' \
  --ref_eaf 'AF' \
  --freq_diff 0.2 \
  --out '/Users/xx20081/Desktop/qc_tests' \
  --freq_diff 0.2 #\
  #--adjustment 'ldsc'

Rscript /Users/xx20081/git/heRmes/scripts/gwas_qc.R \
  --gwas '/Users/xx20081/Downloads/sample-gwas-expanded.csv' \
  --gwas_chr 'CHR' \
  --gwas_bp 'BP' \
  --gwas_ea 'EA' \
  --gwas_oa 'OA' \
  --gwas_eaf 'EUR_EAF' \
  --gwas_beta 'BETA' \
  --gwas_se 'SE' \
  --gwas_p 'P' \
  --gwas_n 'N' \
  --ref '/Users/xx20081/Documents/local_data/genome_reference/hrc_37/' \
  --ref_id 'ID' \
  --ref_chr '#CHROM' \
  --ref_bp 'POS' \
  --ref_ea 'ALT' \
  --ref_oa 'REF' \
  --ref_eaf 'AF' \
  --freq_diff 0.2 \
  --out '/Users/xx20081/Desktop/qc_tests' \

Rscript /Users/xx20081/git/heRmes/scripts/gwas_qc.R \
  --gwas '/Users/xx20081/Downloads/GWAS_ISDKINTMT_Pheno3_PREV_OWN_EUR_FEMALE_100225_VT.tsv.gz' \
  --gwas_chr 'Chrom' \
  --gwas_bp 'Pos' \
  --gwas_ea 'Effect_Allele' \
  --gwas_oa 'Other_Allele' \
  --gwas_eaf 'EurMAF_pc' \
  --gwas_beta 'beta' \
  --gwas_se 'comb_StdErr' \
  --gwas_p 'comb_Pval' \
  --gwas_n 'n_total' \
  --ref '/Users/xx20081/Documents/local_data/genome_reference/hrc_37/' \
  --ref_id 'ID' \
  --ref_chr '#CHROM' \
  --ref_bp 'POS' \
  --ref_ea 'ALT' \
  --ref_oa 'REF' \
  --ref_eaf 'AF' \
  --freq_diff 0.2 \
  --out '/Users/xx20081/Desktop/qc_tests'

QC script

The quality control procedure code is presented below.

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
#  Nick Sunderland <>
#  GWAS QC script
#  Command line options= run this script with the -h/--help flag to see options
#  Some good resources here:

# required packages
#   devtools::install_github("mglev1n/ldscr")

# parse cli arguments
cli_h1("QC script - active arguments")

parser <- ArgumentParser()
# basic controls
parser$add_argument("-v", "--verbose",    action="store_true",  default=TRUE,     help="Print extra output [default]")
parser$add_argument("-q", "--quietly",    action="store_false", dest="verbose",   help="Print little output")
# file paths and file handling
parser$add_argument("-g", "--gwas",       action="store",       type="character", help="GWAS file path")
parser$add_argument("-r", "--ref",        action="store",       type="character", help="Reference file path")
parser$add_argument("-o", "--output",     action="store",       type="character", help="Output directory path")
# GWAS file columns
parser$add_argument("-chr", "--gwas_chr",  action="store", type="character", help="Chromosome column name in the GWAS file", default = "chr")
parser$add_argument("-bp",  "--gwas_bp",   action="store", type="character", help="Base position column name in the GWAS file", default = "bp")
parser$add_argument("-ea",  "--gwas_ea",   action="store", type="character", help="Effect allele column name in the GWAS file", default = "ea")
parser$add_argument("-oa",  "--gwas_oa",   action="store", type="character", help="Other allele column name in the GWAS file", default = "oa")
parser$add_argument("-eaf", "--gwas_eaf",  action="store", type="character", help="Effect allele frequency column name in the GWAS file", default = "eaf")
parser$add_argument("-beta","--gwas_beta", action="store", type="character", help="Beta column name in the GWAS file", default = "beta")
parser$add_argument("-se",  "--gwas_se",   action="store", type="character", help="Standard error column name in the GWAS file", default = "se")
parser$add_argument("-p",   "--gwas_p",    action="store", type="character", help="P-value column name in the GWAS file", default = "p")
parser$add_argument("-n",   "--gwas_n",    action="store", type="character", help="Sample size column name in the GWAS file", default = "n")
parser$add_argument("-info","--gwas_info", action="store", type="character", help="Imputation information score column name in the GWAS file", default = NULL)
# Reference file columns
parser$add_argument("-r_id",  "--ref_id",  action="store", type="character", help="Reference rsid column name in the REF file", default = "chr")
parser$add_argument("-r_chr", "--ref_chr", action="store", type="character", help="Reference chromosome column name in the REF file", default = "chr")
parser$add_argument("-r_bp",  "--ref_bp",  action="store", type="character", help="Reference base position column name in the REF file", default = "bp")
parser$add_argument("-r_ea",  "--ref_ea",  action="store", type="character", help="Reference effect allele column name in the REF file", default = "ea")
parser$add_argument("-r_oa",  "--ref_oa",  action="store", type="character", help="Reference other allele column name in the REF file", default = "oa")
parser$add_argument("-r_eaf", "--ref_eaf", action="store", type="character", help="Reference effect allele frequency column name in the REF file", default = "eaf")
# QC parameters
parser$add_argument("-adj",   "--adjustment", action="store", type="character", default=NULL, choices = c("lambda", "ldsc"), help="Apply genomic control p-value & standard error adjustment using either the GC lambda ('lambda') or the LD score regression intercept ('ldsc') [default=OFF]")
parser$add_argument("-noind", "--no_indel_alleles", action="store_true", default=FALSE, help="Remove indel alleles [default=FALSE]")
parser$add_argument("-fd",    "--freq_diff", action="store", type="numeric", default=0.2, help="Retain variants with GWAS:REF allele frequency different less than ... [default=0.2]")
parser$add_argument("-it",    "--info_thresh", action="store", type="numeric", default=NULL, help="Retain variants with info score greater than ... [default=NULL (off)]")
parser$add_argument("-an",    "--ancestry", action="store", type="character", default="EUR", choices = c("AFR", "AMR", "CSA", "EAS", "EUR", "MID"), help="Ancestry code [default=EUR]")

# parse CLI arguments
args <- parser$parse_args()

# print out the arguments used to the console
for (i in seq_along(args)) {
  cli_text("{.strong {names(args)[i]}} = {.val {args[[i]]}}")

# start QC run
cli_h1("Running GWAS quality control")

# summary table to be iteratively filled
summary <- data.table()

# basic check files
cli_progress_step("checking file paths and columns names")

# Check GWAS file path provided and that we can read from it
if (is.null(args$gwas) || !file.exists(args$gwas) || file.access(args$gwas, 4) != 0) {
  cli_abort("GWAS file path `{.file {args$gwas}}` does not exist or is not readable")

# Check GWAS file column names all present
gwas_header <- fread(args$gwas, nrows = 0)
gwas_cols <- sapply(args[c("gwas_chr","gwas_bp","gwas_ea","gwas_oa","gwas_eaf","gwas_beta","gwas_se","gwas_p","gwas_n")], function(x) x %in% names(gwas_header))
if (!all(gwas_cols)) {
  for (i in seq_along(gwas_cols)) {
    if (gwas_cols[[i]]) {
      cli_alert_success("{names(gwas_cols)[i]} = {args[names(gwas_cols)[i]]}")
    } else {
      cli_alert_danger("{names(gwas_cols)[i]} = {args[names(gwas_cols)[i]]}")
  cli_abort("Columns not all found in GWAS file columns [{names(gwas_header)}]")

# Check reference file path provided and that we can read from in
if (is.null(args$ref) || !file.exists(args$ref) || file.access(args$ref, 4) != 0) {
  cli_abort("Reference file path `{.file {args$reference}}` does not exist or is not readable")

# Check GWAS file column names all present
ref_header <- fread(args$ref, nrows = 0)
ref_cols <- sapply(args[c("ref_id", "ref_chr","ref_bp","ref_ea","ref_oa","ref_eaf")], function(x) x %in% names(ref_header))
if (!all(ref_cols)) {
  for (i in seq_along(ref_cols)) {
    if (ref_cols[[i]]) {
      cli_alert_success("{names(ref_cols)[i]} = {args[names(ref_cols)[i]]}")
    } else {
      cli_alert_danger("{names(ref_cols)[i]} = {args[names(ref_cols)[i]]}")
  cli_abort("Columns not all found in reference file columns [{names(ref_header)}]")

# Check output directory exists
if (is.null(args$output) || !dir.exists(args$output)) {
  cli_abort("Output directory path `{.file {args$output}}` not provided or does not exist")

# read GWAS and reference data
cli_progress_step("reading GWAS")
gwas <- fread(args$gwas)
cli_progress_step("reading reference")
ref <- fread(args$ref)

# check column data missingness
cli_h1("Checking column data")
cli_progress_step("checking column data")
gwas_cols <- unlist(args[ names(args)[grepl("^gwas_", names(args))] ])
ref_cols  <- unlist(args[ names(args)[grepl("^ref_", names(args))] ])

# total and NA counts
num_na_summary <- gwas[, lapply(.SD, function(col) c(num = .N, num_na = sum(, pct_na = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (sum( / .N)))), .SDcols = gwas_cols]

# add to summary table
summary <- rbind(summary,
                 data.table(column   = gwas_cols,
                            std_name = names(gwas_cols),
                            type     = sapply(gwas[, mget(gwas_cols)], typeof),
                            num      = as.integer(sapply(num_na_summary, `[[`, 1)),
                            num_na   = as.integer(sapply(num_na_summary, `[[`, 2)),
                            pct_na   = sapply(num_na_summary, `[[`, 3)))

# report to console

# check input data validity
cli_h1("Checking data validity")
cli_progress_step("checking data validity")

# per column functions that return true if that row is valid
col_fn_list <- list(
  gwas_chr  = function(x) x %in% 1:26,
  gwas_bp   = function(x) is.integer(x) & x > 0,
  gwas_ea   = function(x) grepl("^[ACTG]+$|^[DI]$", x),
  gwas_oa   = function(x) grepl("^[ACTG]+$|^[DI]$", x),
  gwas_eaf  = function(x) is.numeric(x) & x >= 0 & x <= 1,
  gwas_beta = function(x) is.numeric(x) & is.finite(x),
  gwas_se   = function(x) is.numeric(x) & x > 0 & is.finite(x),
  gwas_p    = function(x) is.numeric(x) & x >= 0 & x <=1,
  gwas_n    = function(x) is.integer(x) & x > 0,
  gwas_info = function(x) is.numeric(x) & x >= 0 & x <=1,
  ref_chr   = function(x) x %in% 1:26,
  ref_bp    = function(x) is.integer(x) & x > 0,
  ref_ea    = function(x) grepl("^[ACTG]+$|^[DI]$", x),
  ref_oa    = function(x) grepl("^[ACTG]+$|^[DI]$", x),
  ref_eaf   = function(x) is.numeric(x) & x >= 0 & x <= 1

# apply the functions to the corresponding columns and create summary table
valid_summary <- gwas[, Map(function(fn, col) {
  valid <- sum(fn(col), na.rm = TRUE)
  valid_pct <- sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (valid / .N))
  c(valid = valid, valid_pct = valid_pct)
}, col_fn_list[names(gwas_cols)], .SD), .SDcols = gwas_cols]

# add to main summary table
summary <- cbind(summary,
                 data.table(valid     = as.integer(sapply(valid_summary, `[[`, 1)),
                            valid_pct = sapply(valid_summary, `[[`, 2)))

# print summary to console as well as the validity functions used
cli_div(theme = list(span.var = list(color = "gray"), span.code = list(color = "gray")))
cli_h2("Column validation functions:")
for (i in seq_along(gwas_cols)) {
  cli_text("{.field {gwas_cols[i]}:} {.code {deparse(col_fn_list[[names(gwas_cols)[i]]])[2]}}")

# attempt recoding / data fixes
cli_h1("Formatting data")
cli_progress_step("formatting data")

# (re)code chromosome column as integer
gwas[, (args$gwas_chr) := sub("(?i)^chr", "", get(args$gwas_chr))]
gwas[, (args$gwas_chr) := fcase(as.integer(get(args$gwas_chr)) %in% 1:26, as.integer(get(args$gwas_chr)),
                                grepl("(?i)^X$",   get(args$gwas_chr)),         23L,
                                grepl("(?i)^Y$",   get(args$gwas_chr)),         24L,
                                grepl("(?i)^(PAR|XY|YX)$", get(args$gwas_chr)), 25L,
                                grepl("(?i)^MT$",  get(args$gwas_chr)),         26L,
                                default = NA_integer_)]

# parse base position and n-sample columns to integer
integer_cols <- c(args$gwas_bp, args$gwas_n)
gwas[, (integer_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = integer_cols]

# parse frequency, beta, se, p, info columns to numeric
numeric_cols <- c(args$gwas_eaf, args$gwas_beta, args$gwas_se, args$gwas_p, args$gwas_info)
gwas[, (numeric_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = numeric_cols]

# remove allele frequencies <0 or >1
gwas[get(args$gwas_eaf) < 0 | get(args$gwas_eaf) > 1, (args$gwas_eaf) := NA_real_]

# remove infinite betas
gwas[is.infinite(get(args$gwas_beta)), (args$gwas_beta) := NA_real_]

# remove infinite, zero, or negative standard errors
gwas[is.infinite(get(args$gwas_se)) | get(args$gwas_se) <= 0, (args$gwas_se) := NA_real_]

# recode pvalue=0 to minimum machine precision and remove p>1 or p<0
gwas[, (args$gwas_p) := fcase(get(args$gwas_p) == 0, .Machine$double.xmin,
                              get(args$gwas_p) > 0 & get(args$gwas_p) <= 1, get(args$gwas_p),
                              default = NA_real_)]

# remove info scores >1 or <0
if (!is.null(args$info_thresh) & !is.null(args$gwas_info)) {
  gwas[get(args$gwas_info) < 0 | get(args$gwas_info) > 1 | get(args$gwas_info) < args$info_thresh, (args$gwas_info) := NA_real_]
} else if (is.null(args$info_thresh) & !is.null(args$gwas_info)) {
  cli_alert_info("info_thresh not provided, skipping info score filtering and setting info score to 1 for all variants")
  gwas[, (args$gwas_info) := 1]

# alleles must be characters
gwas[, c(args$gwas_ea, args$gwas_oa) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = c(args$gwas_ea, args$gwas_oa)]

# find indels and and number to summary, remove indels if flag specified
indel_idx <- which(gwas[, .(nchar(get(args$gwas_ea)) > 1 | nchar(get(args$gwas_oa)) > 1 | grepl("(?i)^[DI]$", get(args$gwas_ea)) | grepl("(?i)^[DI]$", get(args$gwas_oa)))]$V1)
if (args$no_indel_alleles) {
  gwas[indel_idx, c(args$gwas_ea, args$gwas_oa) := NA_character_]
  cli_alert_warning("removing {length(indel_idx)} indel alleles")
summary[grep("^gwas_(ea|oa)$", std_name), indels := length(indel_idx)]

# ensure alleles are upper case ACTG or D/I
gwas[, c(args$gwas_ea, args$gwas_oa) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(grepl("(?i)^[ACTG]+$|^[DI]$", x), toupper(x), NA_character_)), .SDcols = c(args$gwas_ea, args$gwas_oa)]

# summarise the counts during this recoding process
postfix_na_summary <- gwas[, lapply(.SD, function(col) c(postfix_valid = sum(!, pct_na = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (sum(! / .N)))), .SDcols = gwas_cols]

# add to overall summary table
summary <- cbind(summary,
                 data.table(postfix_valid     = as.integer(sapply(postfix_na_summary, `[[`, 1)),
                            postfix_valid_pct = sapply(postfix_na_summary, `[[`, 2)))

# remove invalid rows (those containing NAs)
gwas <- gwas[ stats::complete.cases(gwas[, mget(gwas_cols)]) ]

# print updated summary to console

# exit if no variants remain
if (nrow(gwas) == 0) {
  cli_abort("no variants remain after data validation filters - check data and summary above")
} else {

# formatting reference
col_fn_list <- list(
  ref_id    = as.character,
  ref_chr   = as.character,
  ref_bp    = as.integer,
  ref_ea    = as.character,
  ref_oa    = as.character,
  ref_eaf   = as.numeric
ref[ , (ref_cols)  := Map(function(fn, col) fn(col), col_fn_list[names(ref_cols) ], .SD), .SDcols = ref_cols ]

# harmonise alleles
cli_h1("Harmonising to reference")
cli_progress_step("harmonising data")

# currently the harmonising function is in my package, but probably best to supply as a stand alone script
h <- genepi.utils::harmonise_gwas(gwas, ref, join = "chr:bp", action = 2,
                                  gmap = c(chr = args$gwas_chr, bp = args$gwas_bp, ea = args$gwas_ea, oa = args$gwas_oa, eaf = args$gwas_eaf, beta = args$gwas_beta),
                                  rmap = c(chr = args$ref_chr, bp = args$ref_bp, ea = args$ref_ea, oa = args$ref_oa, eaf = args$ref_eaf))

# harmonisation summary, add to main summary
summary[, `:=`(harmonised = nrow(h), harmonised_pct = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100*(nrow(h)/num[1])))]

# print updated summary to console

# exit if no variants remain
if (nrow(h) == 0) {
  cli_warn("no variants remain after harmonisation - check data and summary above")

# allele frequency analysis
cli_h1("Anaylsing GWAS:REF allele frequency")
cli_progress_step("analysing allele frequency difference")

# absolute frequency difference cohort vs reference
h[, freq_diff := abs(eaf - eaf_ref)]

# add frequency difference counts to summary table
diff_col <- paste0("freq_diff_lt", args$freq_diff)
summary[, c(diff_col, paste0(diff_col, "_pct")) := .(sum(h$freq_diff < args$freq_diff), sprintf("%.1f%%", 100*(sum(h$freq_diff < args$freq_diff)/num[1])))]

# print summary to console

# plot the frequency differences
eaf_plot <- ggplot(h[freq_diff > args$freq_diff], aes(x = eaf_ref, y = eaf, color = freq_diff)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  geom_point(data = h[freq_diff > args$freq_diff & strand_flip == TRUE], shape = 17, color = "red", size = 3) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept =  args$freq_diff, linetype = "dashed", color = "red") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = -1 * args$freq_diff, linetype = "dashed", color = "red") +
  viridis::scale_colour_viridis(option = "mako") +
  labs(x = "Reference allele frequency", y = "Cohort allele frequency",
       caption = "*red triangles strand flip") +
  lims(x = c(0,1), y = c(0,1)) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 18) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

# save plot
cli_progress_step("plotting allele frequency difference")
grDevices::png(file.path(args$output, "eaf_plot.png"), width = 600, height = 600)

# filter out the frequency differences over the provided threshold
h <- h[freq_diff < args$freq_diff]

# extract the data from the harmonisation table (don't need the reference columns now, except for the rsid)
         old = c(paste0(ref_cols[["ref_id"]], "_ref"), "chr","bp","ea","oa","eaf","beta", gwas_cols[["gwas_se"]], gwas_cols[["gwas_p"]], gwas_cols[["gwas_n"]]),
         new = c(ref_cols[["ref_id"]],

# PZ plot
cli_h1("Assessing for analytical issues")

# generate PZ plot
pz_plot <- h[, `:=`(observed = -log10(get(gwas_cols[["gwas_p"]])),
                    expected = -log10(2*pnorm(abs(get(gwas_cols[["gwas_beta"]]) / get(gwas_cols[["gwas_se"]])), lower.tail=FALSE)))] |>
  ggplot(aes(x = expected, y = observed)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5, color="darkblue") +
  geom_abline(slope=1, intercept=0, color="darkred", linetype = "dotted") +
  labs(x     = "P.ztest (-log10)",
       y     = "P (-log10)",
       color = NULL) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 18) +
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

# save plot
cli_progress_step("plotting PZ plot")
grDevices::png(file.path(args$output, "pz_plot.png"), width = 600, height = 600)

# population stratification analysis 1
cli_h1("Assessing for population stratification issues")
cli_progress_step("running LDSC")

# get Z score and run LDSC
h[, z := get(gwas_cols[["gwas_beta"]]) / get(gwas_cols[["gwas_se"]])]

# try to run LDSC
  ldsc_res <- ldsc_h2(munged_sumstats = h[, list(SNP = get(ref_cols[["ref_id"]]), A1=get(gwas_cols[["gwas_ea"]]), A2=get(gwas_cols[["gwas_oa"]]), Z=z, N=get(gwas_cols[["gwas_n"]]))],
                      ancestry        = args$ancestry)
error = function(e) {
  cli_warn(paste0("LDSC failed: \n", e))
  ldsc_res <<- list(intercept = NA_real_)

# population stratification analysis 2
cli_progress_step("calculating lambda-GC")

# data for the QQ plot
h[, `:=`(chisq          = qchisq(log(get(gwas_cols[["gwas_p"]])), df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE))] #
h[, `:=`(lambda         = median(chisq) / qchisq(0.5, 1))]
h[, `:=`(adj_chisq_gc   = chisq/lambda)]
h[, `:=`(adj_p_gc       = pchisq(adj_chisq_gc, 1, lower.tail=FALSE))]
h[, `:=`(adj_se_gc      = get(gwas_cols[["gwas_se"]]) * sqrt(lambda[1]))]
h[, `:=`(adj_chisq_ldsc = chisq/ldsc_res$intercept)]
h[, `:=`(adj_p_ldsc     = pchisq(adj_chisq_ldsc, 1, lower.tail=FALSE))]
h[, `:=`(adj_se_ldsc    = get(gwas_cols[["gwas_se"]]) * sqrt(ldsc_res$intercept))]

qq_data <- rbind(
  # unadjusted
  h[, .(stat     = "Unadjusted",
        value    = NA_real_,
        observed = -log10(sort(get(gwas_cols[["gwas_p"]]), decreasing=FALSE, na.last=TRUE)),
        expected = -log10(ppoints(.N)),
        clower   = -log10(qbeta(p = (1 - 0.95) / 2, shape1 = 1:.N, shape2 = .N:1)),
        cupper   = -log10(qbeta(p = (1 + 0.95) / 2, shape1 = 1:.N, shape2 = .N:1)))],
  # GC lambda adjusted
  h[, .(stat     = "GC lambda",
        value    = lambda[1],
        observed = -log10(sort(adj_p_gc, decreasing=FALSE, na.last=TRUE)),
        expected = -log10(ppoints(.N)),
        clower   = NA_real_,
        cupper   = NA_real_)],
  # LDSC intercept adjusted
  h[, .(stat     = "LDSC intercept",
        value    = ldsc_res$intercept,
        observed = -log10(sort(adj_p_ldsc, decreasing=FALSE, na.last=TRUE)),
        expected = -log10(ppoints(.N)),
        clower   = NA_real_,
        cupper   = NA_real_)]
setorder(qq_data, expected)

# generate QQ-plot
# axis labels
log10Pe <- expression(paste("Expected -log"[10], plain(P)))
log10Po <- expression(paste("Observed -log"[10], plain(P)))

# lambda labels
labels <- qq_data[stat != "Unadjusted",
                  list(value    = value[1],
                       expected = 2.0,
                       observed = .GRP-1 + 0.25), by = "stat"]
labels[, label := sprintf("%s = %.3f", stat, value)]

# plot
# colors
point_colors <- if (is.null(args$adjustment)) {
                  c(Unadjusted = "blue", `GC lambda` = "lightgray", `LDSC intercept` = "darkgray")
                } else if (args$adjustment=="lambda") {
                  c(Unadjusted = "lightgray", `GC lambda` = "blue", `LDSC intercept` = "darkgray")
                } else if (args$adjustment=="ldsc") {
                  c(Unadjusted = "lightgray", `GC lambda` = "darkgray", `LDSC intercept` = "blue")

qq_plot <- qq_data |>
  ggplot(aes(x = expected, y = observed, color = stat)) +
  geom_point(size = 0.5) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = expected, ymin = clower, ymax = cupper), alpha = 0.1, color="transparent") +
  geom_abline(slope=1, intercept=0, color="darkred", linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_text(data = labels, aes(x=expected, y=observed, label=label), hjust = 0, color="black", show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = point_colors) +
  labs(x = log10Pe,
       y = log10Po,
       color = "Adjustment") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(aspect.ratio    = 1,
        legend.position = "top")

# save plot
cli_progress_step("plotting QQ plot")
grDevices::png(file.path(args$output, "qq_plot.png"), width = 600, height = 600)

# extract then save the clean GWAS and summary table

# if using adjustment with lambda GC or LDSC intercept, switch the P and SE columns
if (!is.null(args$adjustment)) {
  if (args$adjustment=="lambda") {
    h[, c(gwas_cols[["gwas_se"]], gwas_cols[["gwas_p"]]) := .(adj_se_gc, adj_p_gc)]
  } else if (args$adjustment=="ldsc") {
    h[, c(gwas_cols[["gwas_se"]], gwas_cols[["gwas_p"]]) := .(adj_se_ldsc, adj_p_ldsc)]

# extract wanted columns
gwas <- h[, .SD, .SDcols = c(ref_cols[["ref_id"]], gwas_cols)]

# save gwas
sans_ext <- sub("([^.]+)\\.[[:alnum:]]+$", "\\1", sub("[.](gz|bz2|xz)$", "", basename(args$gwas)))
out_path <- file.path(args$output, paste0(sans_ext, '_clean.tsv.gz'))
cli_progress_step("saving clean GWAS file to {.file {out_path}}")
fwrite(gwas, out_path, sep = "\t")

# save summary
log_path <- file.path(args$output, paste0(sans_ext, '_log.tsv'))
cli_progress_step("saving log file to {.file {log_path}}")
fwrite(summary, log_path, sep = "\t")

# finished

# testing
if (FALSE) {
  args = list()
  args$gwas = '/Users/xx20081/Documents/local_data/hermes_incidence/raw/Pheno5-DCM_EUR/FORMAT-METAL_Pheno5-DCM_EUR.tsv.gz'
  args$ref ='/Users/xx20081/Documents/local_data/genome_reference/hrc_37/'
  args$gwas_beta= "A1_beta"
  args$gwas_bp= "pos_b37"
  args$gwas_chr= "chr"
  args$gwas_ea= "A1"
  args$gwas_eaf= "A1_freq"
  args$gwas_info= NULL
  args$gwas_n= "N_total"
  args$gwas_oa= "A2"
  args$gwas_p= "pval"
  args$gwas_se= "se"
  args$output= "/Users/xx20081/Desktop/qc_tests"
  args$overwrite= TRUE
  args$ref_id= "ID"
  args$ref_bp= "POS"
  args$ref_chr= "#CHROM"
  args$ref_ea= "ALT"
  args$ref_eaf= "AF"
  args$ref_oa= "REF"
  args$verbose= TRUE
  args$freq_diff= 0.2
  args$adjustment=NULL #"ldsc"
  args$no_indel_alleles= FALSE
  args$info_thresh= NULL